Rudy gay trade jazz

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Mitchell is owed $67.5 million for the next two seasons, followed by a $37 million player option. Gobert is owed $85 million over the next two years, plus he holds a $46.6 million player option for the 2025-26 season. Potential future changes after another disappointing end could center on Mitchell and center Rudy Gobert. “We fell short of our goal,” guard Donovan Mitchell said. The Jazz, who brought back many key players from last season, when they had the NBA’s best regular-season record, lost to the Dallas Mavericks in six games for their second first-round exit in three seasons. Like a few other teams on the top of that list - the Lakers and Brooklyn, primarily - they wound up as disappointments.

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SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - The Utah Jazz entered this season as one of the favorites to win the NBA title.

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